Our Impact

Our Impact



Phoebe’s story is one of heartbreak and hope.

This little puppy was brutally tortured and nearly killed by young children on the instruction of their father. Fortunately her screams of pain as she burned alive were heard by a local lady who immediately rescued her from her days long torture. She was rushed to the vet and treated for several weeks prior to flying to South Africa for multiple specialist surgeries.

Her courage, resilience and affection for all who cared for her was astonishing and her story reached animal lovers far and wide. The out pouring of grief, concern and help for her was overwhelming.

A growing narrative started to build about the tragedy that is the needless abuse and cruelty inflicted on a being incapable of defending itself. It is within itself incomprehensible, however there is an equally enormous and insidious tragedy which is young children being instructed to inflict such horrific levels of violence on another sentient being.

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The calling for an organisation to assist in the welfare and healthcare of animals and children was clearly needed, so with the story of Phoebe the Clayton Animal and Children Transformation and Upliftment Society was born.

Watch the full video on Phoebe’s story and how she is doing today.


We often get asked why we are focusing on Animals, Children, Education AND the Environment – instead of possibly just one or two of these. Its true that all of these causes have huge needs and are all in themselves worthy of dedicated foundations.

When we consider the case of Phoebe, it is impossible to separate out the animal cruelty from the child welfare issues and the overarching need for people to be educated around incorrect superstitions, animal sentience and the psychological welfare of the children involved. story and how she is doing today.

Unfortunately, issues around animal welfare and animal sentience are perpetuated by pervasive superstitions, cultural misconceptions which are passed from generation to generation and in many cases, just pure ignorance. Too often in situations where there is a ‘comfort’ with animal abuse of any kind, violence towards children, woman and other vulnerable people becomes normalized. This has been extensively documented in scientific literature.

We thus chose, knowing the enormity of the task ahead, to do our utmost to address all of these components through the work that we do. When we are in the field working with animals, we work to educate the children and adults that come for assistance. In schools, we run programmes educating children about animal and child welfare issues and where to find help when things are going wrong.

We partner with many existing organizations to fulfil these objectives and we are open to collaboration with all who care about these issues. There is so much work to be done and we are truly grateful for any support you are able to offer – whether in the form of donations, equipment and supplies or volunteers!

Thank you for considering our foundation!

Children’s Education

Sustain the Community

Animal Welfare

Make a Difference with your Donation

If you make a general donation to the Cactus Animal Shelter, we’ll allocate it to whichever area has the greatest need at the time. Please consider making a recurring donation. Thank you in advance from all of us for your support.

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